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Small cogs

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Would anyone know where I could get one of these small cogs for the Webb Whippet chain, please , ?


Clive1997 Thu, 22/02/2024

Probably by breaking another Whippet for spares, there are plenty around,  I have scrapped many as no demand.

Mowing Wurzel Thu, 22/02/2024

If no donor Mower's with good sprockets are available, Pilot Bore Sprockets are available at all reputable bearing suppliers, who would also advise you on the pitch of your 7 toothed sprocket if not known.

Naturally once purchased an Engineering company would need to machine out the bore to the "D" profile.

This is how I go about this problem as a solution to a worn sprocket, but donor mower parts are certainly the cheaper and most  hassle-free option; and Original OEM British made quality.