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Ransomes super bowl

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Good afternoon,

I am currently working on a Ransomes super bowl 51.

The difficulty I am having is removing the cylinder. One end has come away fine but the end with the sliding clutch is giving me a problem.

The sliding gear is nice and free but I am not sure how to extract the cylinder. 

I would appreciate any advice from someone who has taken one of these apart.


wristpin Sun, 25/06/2023

That outer element of the dog clutch is screwed on to the end of the cutting cylinder shaft with a left hand thread and it will be tight.  How you go about undoing it depends on what equipment you have to hand and perhaps some assistance. Loosening it off is perhaps easier earlier in the dismantling operation with the cutter unit still assembled in the chassis so that you can tip the machine back onto its handle bars and slide something through the cylinder to lock it.  It may sound a bit brutal but you can then grip the dog with a big set of Stillsons to turn it clockwise. The dog is quite hard and done with care you won’t damage it.

As you have the unit out of the machine , you will probably need to clamp it to a substantial bench to resist the force needed to shift the dog. The alternative to the Stillsons is to shock it off with an appropriate drift and a lump hammer.