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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Old lawnmowers at Alresford Show

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Long time Club Member Geoff Christopher will have some of his collection on display at the Alresford Show, Hampshire this coming Saturday 3rd September 2022. Geoff and other members of the Club have exhibited at this event for many years, invariably prize winning in the Vintage Section.

Enthusiasts within an hour or so's drive of Alresford would be well advised to attend this very popular traditional agricultural show which has been going since 1908, so they have perfected the organisation and content. The site is located off the A31, accessible from the M3.

Apart from the all-important old lawnmowers there is plenty for all members of the family to see and do (and eat and drink, by the way). Ample free parking and the ' facilities' are good. Don't miss it ! I would certainly be there if I could.

stonethemows Wed, 07/09/2022

Here is another shot of the display. Geoff and the Show organiser are keen to get some more mowers there again next year, there is plenty of room. If you are in the area and would like to join in get in touch; it's always the first Saturday in September.

Geoff won 2nd. prize in the Vintage Section - not at all bad for a solo effort.